I write at the dining room table because that way I can pretend that I’m not writing. Maybe I’m just waiting for dinner.

What’s This All About?

Imagine a quick, chatty letter from a somewhat eccentric writer friend. It will include some thoughts about the writing life and a piece of poetry or prose from my notebook. It will often include an internal weather report, some Noticings from the natural world (Noticing is really important to my writing practice—which is why it’s capitalized—and I invite you to Notice along with me), or something I’ve learned about writing process or mindset along the way. From a Spiral Notebook will come out slightly before or after the beginning of each month (I like to be flexible).

I welcome your reactions or thoughts, either just for me (hit reply) or in the comments, which will always be open.

Writing can be lonely. Let’s fix that.

Who’s Writing This Thing Anyway?

Kelsey Andrews is best known for her poetry, though she writes short fiction too. Recently published in Prism, The Dalhousie Review, The New Quarterly, and Prairie Fire, she writes first drafts in cheap notebooks so she doesn’t feel like she’s ruining a fancy one. She’s written about birdwatching when you can’t see the birds, suicide, snails, and two separate poems about turning into rock. Kelsey grew up in the country near Grande Prairie in Northern Alberta, then moved to the West Coast, and these two landscapes anchor much of her work while she travels her past and various possible presents. She loves, in no particular order, the moon, crows, getting a line exactly right after many drafts, and chocolate. Her first book, Big Sky Falling, came out with Ronsdale Press in November 2021.

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A monthly chatty letter from a somewhat eccentric writer friend.


I write poetry about, among other things, killing flies, dreaming of seals, naming depression and picking blackberries, as well as short fiction about weird introspective people like me.