Looking forward to your launch! Your book is resonating in a beautiful way … thank you Kelsey.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Kelsey Andrews

What a great goal, clearly defined and doable. I wrote IEP’s for a living. (Individual education plans). Creating goals that were concrete and measurable was part of my trade. I am going to borrow your reading goal. The elimination of internet reading , brought it into a whole new realm of brain activity.

My three books that have made me ponder.

Ring of power by Jean Shindoda Bolen. An analyses of the Wagner story/ myth through archetypes and Jungian theory. I loved the destructive powers of the gods and the lens with which she presented and accepted the shadow side.

Body and soul edited by Susan Scott. I have no idea how this book got hidden on my bookshelf. Or for how long it lay there. It is a collection of mainly canadian women writing about faith, lack, or search for. Amazing , funny, insightful.....short pieces of writing that have you writing down names and wanting to know more.

Mennonite valley girl by Carla funk. This book took me on my own journey. Setting is defined by time and place. I grew up in vanderhoof, the town Carla writes about. Despite both of us being born at saint Joseph hospital, growing up in the geographical center of b.c. , and buying soft ice cream at the J&S......our life stories had few parallels. I am presently wondering which has the greatest influence in our life story, time or place.

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Kelsey Andrews

I read sporadically, widely, and with very little organization, so this was an interesting question! Thinking back, the three that jump out at me as tops for this year: The Book of Night Women by Marlan James; Time's Arrow by Martin Amis; and All's Well by Mona Awad (I love ALL of her books!) OH, and the Trickster trilogy by Eden Robinson - so much fun!

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Jan 10, 2022Liked by Kelsey Andrews

Marking those recommendations- so good- thanks

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